Monday, October 28, 2013

My Dream

We all have dreams. I'm not talking about the dreams that happen at night, but the dreams of our future, ideas, plans, things to accomplish, things we want to do.

I had a dream once that I was so sure was going to happen. There was never a moment of doubt that this dream I had wouldn't come to pass. I never was given any reason to assume it couldn't be possible. I planned, I acted, I lived like this dream would be.

I'm not sure how it happened, but that dream was crushed.

I gave everything for this dream. I lived every day anxiously and excitedly waiting for it to be. I prayed for it to come to pass. I had faith for it to happen. I never thought that it couldn't or wouldn't be.

As with any dream that fails, you ask why. I have asked why a thousand times. I have spent hours before the Lord and still no answer.

I will probably never know this side of eternity why my dream was destroyed. I will probably wake every day for the rest of my life and wonder why.

I remember being a kid and having the dream of having a puppy, a dog, as my own. When I was younger, I loved animals, especially dogs. (This probably comes as a shock to most of you.) And for whatever the reasons were, I was not allowed to have a dog. I remember being eight, ten, thirteen and desperately wanting my own dog. And the answer was always no. I had a half-dozen stuffed animal dogs that accompanied my bed. I had the dog calendar, the dog bank, the dog ornaments, the dog mug, the dog books, everything but the dog. And I remember nights where I would lie in my bed and weep at the loss of a dream I so desperately had.

And now, I feel like that little eight year old boy again, weeping over the loss of a dream I had.

When I was eight, I just hoped maybe at nine or ten I would get the dog. And at twelve or thirteen and still no dog, I just hoped at fourteen or fifteen I'd get one.

But unlike when I was eight, there is no hope for this dream to happen again.

And I'm not sure at what age exactly it happened, but my love for dogs and animals was vanquished. And somewhere dislike and disgust took their place. Now today, I honestly dislike all dogs and pets in general.

My heart didn't "heal" over the loss of my dream for a dog. It grew cold, it grew lonely, and it grew hard.

I haven't had many dreams since not getting a puppy. But the dream that I was so sure would be and was crushed, was the first in a great many years. And it will probably be the last for a great many more.
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:26

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