Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Unspoken Promise

Two years ago I wrote this piece titled Unspoken Promise for a friend as my Christmas present that year. 

It's strange how a piece of music can remind you of a completely different time. It can conjure up feelings and bring back memories of happier days and wonderful moments. Or it can remind you of tragedy and sorrow. Music has a way of transporting us to a different time and even a different place.
Two years have almost passed since I wrote this piece and where I am today, the things that have happened, had you told me two years ago while sitting at a piano writing this piece that I would be where I am today, I would have laughed at you and said "that is just not possible".
I have since learned that anything is possible.
Music has always been a way for me to express my feelings and has been a constant form of communication for me.
I wrote this piece as a form of communication to a friend, who at the time I was unable to talk to. I had hoped that somehow, through music, I could communicate perhaps something I couldn't in words.
But unfortunately, neither music nor words helped me. And today, we do not speak and most likely never will again.
I didn't want to waste this composition. So instead of it sitting thrown in my friend's box collecting dust or perhaps even the trash, I figured I would share with you a glimpse, a moment in time, where the only thing I could say was this piece.

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