Sunday, April 27, 2014

What Words Could Not Tell

Since I can remember, I have always turned to the piano and composition as a way to deal with my thoughts and feelings. Whether joy or sadness, frustration or anger, somehow the piano was always the outlet I turned to to express what words could not. And often pieces would arise from my time sitting at the piano as I "played" away my thoughts.

The last several months have found me sitting for hours at the piano. And from this time, many pieces have begun to form a story that words do not tell. Perhaps in the months ahead I will share all the works that I have written down, but for tonight, I want to share one that I wrote last week as I continued to process the admonition from the prophet to let forgivness flow through me.

I don't have many words to describe the piece other than a piece to help my heart to let go so that forgiveness can come.

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