Thursday, April 17, 2014

My Prophetic Word - Forgiveness

"And I just feel to tell you, let the spirit of forgiveness just flow through you. I believe there's been people in your life that - you've got to let forgiveness go and as you allow that forgiveness to go, God is just going to allow you to just sail along."
– Pastor Charlie Sweet (Saturday, April 5, 2014)

Since September I have found myself traveling what I had hoped would be a short road of forgiveness. And at times I feel like I have finally done it - I've forgiven. But then a photo, a name, a visit, and like the rush of water over the Niagara, unforgiveness flows from my heart.


I was scheduled for prophetic ministry Saturday evening. Neither of the two visiting prophets knew I was scheduled and I was looking forward to hearing what I hoped would be direction for this season as well as direction for the next.

So you can imagine my surprise when Saturday afternoon, as the final words of prayer were spoken over the last individual and we were getting ready to begin worshiping again, Pastor Charlie grabbed the mic and walked over to me as I sat seated at the piano and began prophesying.

He spoke for only five and a half minutes, yet every second was filled with words about my here and the now. And not only that, most of what he spoke dealt with the deep things of my heart that I have wrestled for months and in some cases years with.


I've done fairly well on the whole "forgiveness" bit over the years. I'm just not one to hold onto offenses or hurts. Forgive and forget. Move on. That's how I have always lived my life.

Yet this season of forgiveness has been markedly different. There has been little forgiveness and certainly no forgetting. And I knew that the forgiveness I had over and over attempted to extend was merely a facade – and so did the Lord.

I believe there's been people in your life that - you've got to let forgiveness go.

The Lord had seen it happen.... He was there through it all and knew exactly where my heart was that afternoon. He knew my heart was at unrest with unforgiveness. He knew that a "spirit of forgiveness" needed to flow through me.

I honestly don't know how to let a spirit of forgiveness flow. I have tried. Really, I have tried over and over to forgive, fully, lovingly, graciously, mercifully forgive. And although I may not fully know just how to let a spirit of forgiveness flow, I do know that I want Jesus – that I need more of Him. And so as I continue to pursue Christ I am going to trust that He will work in me a spirit of forgiveness as I daily surrender my heart to Him.

It's going to be a much longer road than I had hoped. And today, I am very much at the beginning.

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