Put all one's eggs in one basket
The only investment in your future worth having is living for Jesus today.
There is a lot of sorting out to do in my life. I have yet to truly process the basket being dropped. I would rather just move on and start fresh, as though I hadn't wasted months and years of investment. But sadly, the heart is not a battery that can just be jump started and work properly again.
- to make everything dependent on only one thing;
- to place all one's resources in one place, account, etc.
- i.e. if the basket is dropped, all is lost
"To make everything dependent on only one thing."
"If the basket is dropped, all is lost."
I probably should have known better. I should have seen it coming. I should have known. Putting all your hope in one thing, the proverbial "eggs in one basket", it means that when the basket is dropped all is lost.
I am embarrassed to say I did just that. And this fall the basket was dropped and there was loss.
To be completely candid I am angry that the basket was dropped. But more than being angry at the loss, I am angry with myself for having ever put so much hope and expectation in the basket to begin with. I was incredibly stupid. I was blinded by my own hopes and dreams to even see that I had placed all of them in one basket.
And sadly the basket was not Christ.
Had it been, I do not believe the loss would have been so great.
I tricked myself into thinking "I'm investing in my future". It seemed logical. And had you observed you may have even agreed with me. It did not appear my hopes and dreams were being frivolously wasted.
But when dreams and hopes are not placed in Christ, no matter how long they appear fulfilling, there will come a day where the basket will be dropped. When that day comes, whether tomorrow or 30 years from now, the loss and reality of that moment will be enough to rob the very life from your bones.
And if it hasn't happened already, I guarantee it will.
Because Christ is the only one who can bring true, everlasting fulfillment. Because only Christ can promise faithfulness. Because only Christ is steadfast, unwavering, constant, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Intellectually I know this. Intellectually I knew it as I placed one dream after another in the same basket for months and even years . But I had comforted myself with the words "investment in my future".
Investment in my future...
There is a lot of sorting out to do in my life. I have yet to truly process the basket being dropped. I would rather just move on and start fresh, as though I hadn't wasted months and years of investment. But sadly, the heart is not a battery that can just be jump started and work properly again.
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45-46
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